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Displaying items by tag: readiness for war

Thursday, 21 March 2024 21:36

Army must 'prepare genuinely for war'

A new report, backed by former UK defence and security chiefs, emphasises the need for the Army to genuinely prepare for war to effectively deter threats. Key contributors have warned of the army's diminished credibility due to prolonged reductions in size and capability, risking falling below the national critical mass. The report, responding to concerns over inadequate defence spending and global conflicts like Russia's war in Ukraine, suggests that the UK army is no longer considered a top-level fighting force within NATO. It proposes the formation of a 'New Model Army' that is battle-ready and respected, to demonstrate strength to both adversaries and allies. The document proposes a war-ready command structure in Whitehall and recommends a dedicated task force to facilitate necessary changes, akin to the successful Covid vaccine campaign. The report concludes with a plea for bold and decisive action to restore the army's fighting capability within realistic budget constraints.

Published in British Isles