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Displaying items by tag: racialism

Thursday, 25 November 2021 20:58

USA: Kyle Rittenhouse and gun rights

Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager cleared of murder during racial unrest, said his case ‘had nothing to do with race’ it was about the right to self-defence. Jurors cleared him of killing two men and wounding a third with a military rifle when he said he had feared for his life. A patriot to some and a vigilante to others, his acquittal divided the US with media commentary dwelling on race, even though Rittenhouse and all three men shot were white. The incident is the story of an American dystopia induced by guns and Pennsylvania’s lawmakers wanting to move closer toward allowing permitless concealed carrying of firearms. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 25 October 2019 09:56

Racist incidents in universities

A government equality watchdog reports that universities are failing to address thousands of racist incidents, and that iInstitutions are ‘in denial’ about the scale of the problem. 25% of minority ethnic students had experienced racial harassment since the start of their course. Black students reported the highest rate of racial harassment, while 9% of white British students experienced anti-English, anti-Welsh, or anti-Scottish sentiments. 180,000 students across the UK experienced racial harassment in the first six months of their academic year. Findings showed universities were ‘out of touch with the extent that racism occurs, and some are completely oblivious to the issue’. Two-thirds of students and over half of staff did not report racial harassment to their university, often because they had no confidence that it would be addressed or they were fearful of reprisals. Pray for improved handling of complaints, ensuring investigations are led by staff trained in understanding racial harassment.

Published in British Isles