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Displaying items by tag: public swear allegiance

People watching the Coronation will be invited to join a ‘chorus of millions’ declaring, ‘I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.’ The archbishop will proclaim, ‘God save the King’, with a response, ‘God save King Charles. Long live King Charles. May the King live for ever.’ There are several changes to the ancient ceremony. Female clergy will play a prominent role; the King himself will pray out loud; leaders from other faiths have an active part; and it will incorporate hymns sung in Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic. But the oaths that form the heart of the service remain unchanged, including the promise to maintain ‘the Protestant Reformed Religion’. Justin Welby said this coronation would ‘recognise and celebrate tradition’ and contain ‘new elements reflecting the diversity of our contemporary society’.

Published in British Isles