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The north of England faces a crisis in child welfare, with one in 52 children in Blackpool in care, highlighting the urgent need to address poverty-driven disparities. A report has revealed that nine in every thousand children in the north are in care, compared to six in the rest of England. The figures indicate that £25bn could have been saved if care entry rates had been equal across regions from 2019 to 2023. Child poverty emerges as the primary driver of these discrepancies. Dr Davara Bennett, lead author of the report, has stressed the necessity for policymakers to confront systemic inequalities and prioritise preventative measures over reactive spending. Emma Lewell-Buck, co-chair of the Child of the North all-party parliamentary group, has pointed to the detrimental impact of underinvestment in social services, advocating for improved support systems for vulnerable families. The call to action urges the Government to address these issues promptly to ensure a brighter future for children and families across the region.

Published in British Isles
Wednesday, 22 March 2017 10:35

Richard's Watch


Richard's Library is a library of prophecies and visions that have been given from 1909 to 2017. www.richards-watch.org


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