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Displaying items by tag: promises

Thursday, 24 August 2023 23:27

NHS: staffing crisis

NHS staff shortages include nurses, midwives, GPs, hospital doctors and mental health workers. Staff leave because of low pay, stress and reduced job satisfaction. Recruitment and retention is a growing problem in this major staffing crisis. In July the government published a long-term workforce plan. Many are sceptical about whether it will lead to a sufficient increase in staff numbers. If it is successful, there will be 300,000 extra doctors, nurses and health professionals by 2037 by training, retention and reform. Criticisms of the plan include shortening medical degree courses from 5-6 years to four years and the general vagueness around who will train the expansion in medical students. There is also uncertainty over funding after the first five years of the 14-year plan. The total absence of any mention of pay and its importance in retention is the elephant in the room.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 04 November 2021 22:27

COP26 - promises and refusals

The Earth is sending a message to COP26. Delegates must commit to zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. China, the world's largest emitter, committed to achieve this by 2060 and India, the third largest emitter, by 2070. Ask God to convict delegates of greed and pride. May they re-assess all commitments and actions according to Micah 6:8 and act justly, love mercy and walk humbly under God’s authority. The Least Developed Countries group said, ‘Raising global ambition and increasing climate finance is paramount to our survival’. Pray that after COP26 the actions of powerful nations will reaffirm their positive pledges. In recent years more than two out of three deaths in the least developed countries were caused by droughts, wildfires, and floods. Pray that this crisis is treated like a crisis, and in the midst of the many voices clamouring to be heard important issues will be understood and positively acted on by decision-makers.

Published in British Isles
Tuesday, 06 November 2018 16:03

Revisiting your dreams

Yesterday, I was in a meeting and talking to a friend of mine. He had been prayed for at a global conference and told to go to Big Ben and declare it was time for God to move in our nation. He did this two years ago, soon after he was walloped with a host of issues and challenges. I felt I should ask him whether he needed to go back to the call and see if there was unfinished business. Later in the afternoon, we were concluding the meeting when a colleague suddenly said to my friend, “I think God is telling you to revisit your call to Big Ben”. My friend said “That’s interesting because I am just revisiting the prophetic word on my laptop.”

I believe this is a season to revisit our dreams. We may have lost faith, focus, or belief but God tells us to hold onto that word, one season of prayer may not be enough. We need to have persistent faith to see the fullness of the promise coming through. Waiting is an important spiritual discipline. Abraham had to wait for God’s promise. Joseph had many setbacks as he waited for his dreams to be fulfilled. Moses and Israel had to wait before entering the land of promise. David sets himself to wait patiently for God to fulfil his promise of kingship. In waiting we humble ourselves, we let go of our plans and wait on God’s. We become more aware that only a sovereign work of God can really deliver the fullness of the promise.

In a time of spiritual drought there are few dreams, “In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.” 1 Samuel 3:1. When the spirit falls “Your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions.” Acts 2:17. I believe we are in a time of awakening when God is going to fill many of us with a deep passion to see past promises fulfilled (and is stirring up many new dreams). It may be the return of a prodigal, it may be for a breakthrough, it may be to see the fire of God move in your church.

One thing is at the heart of this. Intimacy with Jesus. He is the author and perfector of our faith. He guides and inspires our prayers. Let us hear His words of preparation to the disciples at the last supper, “I tell you this timeless truth; the person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do – even greater miracles than these because I go to the Father! For I will do whatever you ask me to do when you ask in my name.” (John 14: 12 – 14 – Passion). Intimacy enables us to bring our dreams to Jesus, and to fully align with His purpose. Be open to even greater miracles!

Steve Botham, Director of World Prayer Centre

Published in WPC News