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Displaying items by tag: progressive

Former Labour Cabinet minister Lord Adonis has called on his party to give its 'full support' to Philip Hammond's vision of a 'soft Brexit' instead of the 'ideologically crazed' alternative. He described himself as a 'progressive Christian' as opposed to the 'bigotry' of some conservative strands of the faith. Speaking on the same day as the Queen's Speech, he said, 'The overwhelming issue of importance is Brexit. There is clearly a battle going on between hard and soft Brexit, and it is entirely unclear at the moment where this might end up. But it seems to me vital that Britain doesn't leave the customs union or the single market.' On his faith, Lord Adonis said: 'I'm what I like to term a progressive Christian: I see no incompatibility at all between a strong Christian faith and being entirely liberal on social issues.' He also disapproved of Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron’s decision to resign last week, adding that it is perfectly possible to be a Christian and the leader of a progressive party.

Published in British Isles