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Displaying items by tag: predictions

Thursday, 23 July 2020 21:50

Home-schooling and A-levels

Eight million children were sent home from school in March. A majority of them struggled to continue learning during lockdown. Of the 52% who struggled, three-quarters of their parents said lack of motivation was the reason. There were also wide disparities in what families were able to do. Although under one in ten parents complained about lack of devices to work on, this rate doubled for single parents. Also nearly a third of working parents said the requirement to homeschool their children had been negatively affecting their job. See A-level and GCSE results are expected to be higher this summer with exam boards basing their grades on previous exam results, the previous year’s distribution of grades in the school, how schools ranked their pupils, and their teachers' predictions. However there is a risk that some pupils could be discriminated against. Back-up exams will be available for all subjects in the autumn.

Published in British Isles