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Displaying items by tag: prayer wall

A Kentucky high school student named Sophy Jones decided to address mental health issues and suicide concerns in her school by starting a TikTok-inspired prayer wall. She initiated this project to spread God's message and provide encouragement to her fellow students who were struggling. The prayer wall, adorned with Bible verses on sticky notes, has made a significant impact, offering comfort and support. Jones began this initiative last year, with the help of a friend, Evelyn Philpot, and they both belong to First Priority, a student-led Christian organisation at their school. Todd Lawson, the organisation's director, expressed pride in the girls' efforts, emphasising the importance of prayer and God's love in their lives. For Jones, prayer is a source of love and comfort, reminding her of God's significance in her life. The project has been embraced by the students, offering a sense of importance and support to those who need it most.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 17 September 2020 22:45

National prayer landmark granted planning permission

In 2016 Prayer Alert asked intercessors to pray for the success of an enormous wall, to be built with each brick representing an answered prayer. The local council approved the plan, which this week was ratified by the Secretary of State. Building will commence in spring 2021, with the hope of completion in autumn 2022. The Coleshill site is expected to attract 300,000 visitors each year. Each answered prayer gives hope to those who visit. Standing at 169 feet, the landmark will also host a visitor centre, cafe, bookstore, and a 24-hour on-site chaplaincy service.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 17 September 2020 22:45

National prayer landmark granted planning permission

In 2016 Prayer Alert asked intercessors to pray for the success of an enormous wall, to be built with each brick representing an answered prayer. The local council approved the plan, which this week was ratified by the Secretary of State. Building will commence in spring 2021, with the hope of completion in autumn 2022. The Coleshill site is expected to attract 300,000 visitors each year. Each answered prayer gives hope to those who visit. Standing at 169 feet, the landmark will also host a visitor centre, cafe, bookstore, and a 24-hour on-site chaplaincy service.

Published in Praise Reports