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Displaying items by tag: prayer meetings

If you have a weekly/regular prayer meeting and it has dwindled down to the “faithful few,” it’s time to take stock. If you are the organizer(s) of the prayer meetings, it can get discouraging if people are not participating in arguably the most important spiritual act designed by God and so prolifically practiced in the Book of Acts and the rest of Scripture.

Harvest Prayer Ministries have published a useful resource that will help you to review and bring your prayer meetings back on track.

Click Here: https://www.harvestprayer.com/9-ideas-to-increase-attendance-at-your-prayer-meetings/


If so, consider checking out the Church Prayer Leaders Network! The CPLN exists to help individuals (pastors and lay people) who are working to raise up more prayer in their churches. They want to encourage, challenge, inspire, and resource you as you seek to motivate and mobilize your church toward deeper levels of prayer. The website offers more than 700 ideas, articles, and training videos to help you or your church be more effective in prayer.

Click Here: https://www.prayerleader.com/

Published in Prayer Guides