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Displaying items by tag: prayer breakfast

Thursday, 25 March 2021 21:06

Christians in Parliament

On 25 March Parliament rose for Easter recess. Please pray that all our politicians may continue to serve their constituents and make decisions for our country, and that they will be refreshed over the Easter break. Please be praying in particular that they, as well as others across our nation, will be encouraged by the hope of the Easter story, amidst all the challenges of the last year. In this vein, Christians in Parliament have gathered together a group of Christian MPs and peers from across the political parties to share a message of renewed hope this Easter, through a recording of the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Pray that this video will be a great comfort and encouragement to all who view it. The National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast on 25 June has Rt Revd Prof Tom Wright speaking on ‘Life after Covid: a renewed hope’.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 18 February 2021 21:08

Christians in Parliament - part two

Following last week’s intercessions for our Christians in Parliament as they meet up virtually to read the Bible and offer pastoral support, pray for God to anoint them as they walk alongside other people in difficult circumstances and for new opportunities to give one-to-one support. Our Christian MPs also hope to run a course exploring the Christian faith soon; please pray that those who would benefit from such a course would be able to find the right time to meet. Also, plans are being made for this year's National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast. Please pray for God to give the organisers wisdom as they work out what will be feasible given the ongoing Covid restrictions. Pray that whatever format the event takes, it will be an encouragement for all who attend and a vehicle for strengthening relationships between church leaders and their local MPs.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 24 September 2020 21:05

Pray for the Philippines

The Philippines have a Christian majority, with a population of over 100 million. 8-10 million Filipinos live abroad, working as nurses, engineers, domestic servants, nannies, casual labourers and sailors. Many are enthusiastic and effective witnesses for Christ, often in countries where Christianity is most restricted or persecuted. Some have suffered greatly for their faith. The Philippines struggle against poverty, injustice, corruption, poor infrastructure, unreformed land laws, tropical storms, and heavy-handed government. A rampant drug trade has evoked the murder of thousands, with victims rarely those responsible for drug trading. The government’s ‘war on drugs’ looks like a war on slum-dwellers - where most victims come from. The Church includes vibrant and charismatic grassroots movements devotedly following Jesus and moving in the Spirit. Their problems are those associated with rapid growth: splits, false teachings, personality cults, and widespread poverty. Pray for continued growth of Christian ministries among the urban poor.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 07 April 2017 10:22

Germany: politicians’ prayer breakfast

This year Germany will have elections at the national and local state level. There is one decisive factor that we can pray into. It is the preamble of the Federal Constitution (referred to as the Basic Law of the German Federal Republic), which reads as follows, ‘In awareness of their responsibility to God and man, the German people have drawn up for themselves this constitution.’ Such a reference to ‘God’ by political leaders is very unusual in Europe. It originated in 1949, after the Nazi period. The Germans know what happens when politicians take responsibility for their work only ‘before man’. Also, once a month members of parliament from a cross-section of all parties meet at a prayer breakfast before the start of the parliamentary sitting. In this place of prayer they always have the example of the person Jesus of Nazareth before them. May Germany’s politicians powerfully meet Jesus in these meetings.

Published in Europe