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Displaying items by tag: pray for taiwan

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 05:41

Pray for Taiwan Video

IPC’s good friend Charles Huang has sent us this prayer briefing to encourage us to pray for Taiwan.

I recently came back from attending ‘Yeshua153’ in Taiwan in which 1,750 people prayed and worshiped in front of the Presidential Palace of Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.) and then went on a 3 days 2 nights cruise (counter-clock direction for prophetic breakthroughs) around Taiwan interceding and praying for Taiwan.  The first day we had more than 300 shofar blowers on Rosh Hashannah/ Jewish New Year/ Feast of Trumpet blowing Shofar in front of the Presidential palace and then later on got on the big cruise ship and sailed southward and then to an island territory west of Taiwan called Pon-Hu Island (a province of Taiwan) where the governor is a born-again Christian who welcomed Jesus into his land as King.

We had parade, praise & worship on the island and then continued the travel around Taiwan till we returned back to the port in northern Taiwan.

See the following link for 12 minutes YouTube from the GoodNews Christian TV of Taiwan http://goodtvnews.goodtv.tv/goodtvnews/2017video53/

Mainland China: official name is PROC (People’s Republic of China).

TAIWAN: official name is ROC (Republic of China) and called by the Dutch as “Formosa” (beautiful island).

Similar to North and South Korea, East and West Germany.  One is controlled by one communist party in China but Taiwan has multiple political parties and is a democracy.

Christian population in mainland China according to estimate is: 10%.
Communism is based on atheism and mainland Chinese churches have been growing in spite of persecutions and governmental restrictions in the past.

Christian population In Taiwan is about 6.53% with Han Chinese and other ethnic groups and more than 90% of the indigeneous people/ or the Natives of Taiwan are born-again Christians.

There are now more than 50 mega-churches in Taiwan with more than 1,000 members each.

The churches in Taiwan have become more influential than before and the GoodNewsTV station has become blessings to the churches Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, and even many people in mainland China are listening and watching the television broadcasts.  So Taiwan’s many Christians are blessings mainland China.

Christian influences in China

The founding father of ROC (founded in 1911 after overthrowing the Chin清 Dynasty) Dr. Sun Yat Sen was a Christian medical doctor.  He along with some of his revolutionary members were Christians. Dr. Sun even openly preached sermons.  After him, the first President after him Ching Kai Shek was a Christian who had converted from Budhism because of his Christian wife.   The most influential person was a pastor in China by the name of Charlie Song who had 2 daughters (both married to the founding father and the 1st President of Republic of China).

Pray for Taiwan Video

Taiwan is a key: many missionaries have to go there to receive language training.
Recently hosted International University Students Sports events on the island in Taipei with 135 nations.
Many pastors and churches love Israel and go to Israel yearly for the feasts.
There are 2 Jewish synagogues in Taiwan.
There is a Holocaust museum in southern Taiwan built by a Taiwanese Native pastor.

Christianity first spread to China around 唐(Tang) dynasty (year 635) at the time through Nestorianism from Persia.  During the Han dynasty there was already a Silk Road that crossed to the west. There was communications between the Chinese and Indians, Persians, Jewish people, and the Romans.  Protestants mission began in the early 19th century, 200 years after the Catholics.  1624-1662 Holland occupied Taiwan and began to send missionaries there in 1626 and many many converts (mainly Natives) and established schools.  From 1807 Robert Morrison from England went to China for 27 years and built a firm foundation for Christianity in China.
Later, London Mission Society sent William Milne (England), Walter Medhurst (England).
Elijah Bridgman (1801~1961) was the 1st American Missionary sent to China in 1830 inspired by Robert Morrison.  

According to an older Taiwanese-American Pastor who lives in California and has ministered to believers and leaders both in Taiwan and mainland China:“China during the Dynasties of 夏商&周 was actually a God-fearing nation so it was called “God’s Country” and so there was a heavenly altar in Peking, the altar there did not have any idols but only worship of the true God in heaven.  It was not until after the Communists took over, Marxism came into the country.  Then, in 1949 all the missionaries were kicked out of the country, closed down the churches.  It was in the 1950s all the churches were closed down and all the ministers were asked to leave, no Bibles, no Hymns and the population of Christians was about 700,000 and grew to about 100 times now to at least 70 million~ 100 million.  Also, more people in China not only the countryside but many intellectuals went outside the country to study approximately 1/10 of all the people believes in Jesus and some already returned to the universities and in the future some will be working in the government playing important roles and University as professors. Now there are a lot of businessmen all who have become Christians. So, not only country side, there are city churches, and churches for the intellectuals.  China is becoming a mission church, later there will be the most missionaries coming from China.  Even through “One Belt, One Road” from the ocean, ground, bringing the gospel back to Jerusalem.   China will become the nation sending the most missionaries in the world. God is with China and Chinese people will become the blessings for all the nations.

Chinese people, the yellow race will become blessings to the world.

Even though there is more governmental restrictions coming from the Communist government of China but it will result in the church being purified and remove all the drosses and impurities.

So every Christian in China knows that they need to pay a price to be a believer and not just be a Christian which will harm the church and not benefit.  To be serious about being a Christian.”


Charles Huang