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Displaying items by tag: pray for elections

Thursday, 04 May 2017 12:09

Prepare for the UK General election

It is easy to be a little underwhelmed by this General Election. It is our third big vote and national debate in three years with even more political activity if you live in Northern Ireland or Scotland. We had Brenda from Bristol going nationwide with her complaint - “Oh no not another one." Early days have seen repetitive slogans, and it seems people are finding it hard to engage.

But we believe this is a key step in God’s plans for our nations. We are expecting a great move of God. Therefore, this next government will enable a time of harvest. The election comes four days after Pentecost - that great celebration of God’s spirit breaking out of the upper room and into the streets of Jerusalem. Paul makes the link in those well-known verses from I Timothy 2 - "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” God’s plan is that we have the right people in authority to enable people to be saved.

We need to pray - for God’s sovereign will and purpose. God is placing an opportunity in our hands to bless our nations. Please encourage your friends and your church to pray. Just as the political parties stir up people to canvas and promote their issues we should be stirring people to pray. We include some prayer pointers below and will release more themes and links to resources and key websites in these coming weeks. Every election is contested spiritually and this is no exception, Satan will be resolute in resisting God’s sovereign purpose. God calls us to partner with him to bless where we live locally and bless our nations.

Lord may we have a debate and discussion in our nations and through the media that reflects what is on Your heart.

Pray for:

  • All those elected in the local and Mayoral elections today (4th May) that they will be granted wisdom and clear direction for the way ahead.
  • Every political party as they select General Election candidates before the deadline of 11 May. Praying for candidates of good character.
  • Christians standing for election, to know your peace, and walk close with you in this busy and demanding time.
  • God’s mercy and protection on our nations. Keep us safe from terrorist attack and from the fear terrorists bring. Bless our police and intelligence services, give them divine understanding.
  • Unity within the Body of Christ. Help us to disagree with respect, Your heart is for unity - let Your church be filled with your grace and compassion.

In His mercy God has called us to pray - “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” in homes, communities, workplaces, churches and cathedrals across our nations before this election. It is God’s heart for our nations - your will be done. Amen

Published in WPC News