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Displaying items by tag: poorest people

Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:45

Globally: pollution impacts on poorest people

Sir David Attenborough backs a new report by Tearfund, in collaboration with other agencies, stating that one person dies every thirty seconds in developing countries from diseases caused by plastic pollution and uncollected rubbish dumped or burnt near homes. He said, ‘It's one of the first reports to highlight the impacts of plastic pollution on the world’s poorest people’. Open-air burning of plastic and rubbish adds to carbon emissions, contributing to climate change. Multinational companies selling single-use plastic in developing countries must make fundamental changes to business models to halt the health crisis. This report is one of the first to highlight the impact of plastic pollution, not just on wildlife but also on the world’s poorest people. Pray for this report to impact and convict those responsible for introducing plastic to countries where it cannot be adequately managed. Pray for international action to support the communities and governments most acutely affected by this crisis.

Published in Worldwide