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Displaying items by tag: peacemakers

Wednesday, 01 January 2020 11:22

Film - 'Peacemakers: Crossing the Divide'

The Film - 'Peacemakers: Crossing the Divide' brings a message of hope in the midst of the seemingly intractable conflict between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs. The power of the gospel to transform lives through forgiveness and reconciliation is communicated by powerful personal stories of Jewish and Arab followers of Jesus.

This unique one-hour documentary film, along with an in-depth study guide, speak to deep issues of division in the church worldwide. Ultimately the film is about Jesus’ prayer for his followers:

“May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me…” John 17:23

Peacemakers: Crossing the Divide is officially released and available to download from the website: www.peacemakersfilm.org

Please feel free to promote this as widely as possible. Our goal is to not only see the film reach the English speaking audience, but also to have it translated into multiple languages. We believe the message of reconciliation and unity in the body of Christ is a message for the global church.

We are looking for advocates who share this vision and can help distribute the film through their networks.

Pastor Kevin Turpin, Associate Pastor, New Life Church, VA Beach, VA said, “Peacemakers is more than a film about conflict between Jews and Palestinians. It is a story that profiles the power of Christ. To nullify generational, religious, and political ideologies of hatred and division. To create a pathway for hearts to be reconciled and restored. It is, indeed, a magnificent story of redemption.

The film shows the extraordinary steps taken by individuals to experience reconciliation. Get ready for your own epiphany. Areas of your heart become open to reconciling with those who are different and you once opposed. The walls that divide are torn down through a full embrace of a small group of the Cross of Christ. Bob and Kathryn have chronicled well the hostility between Jews and Arabs. Therefore, the unique ways that God transforms hearts. Hearts which leads to a willingness to “cross the divide”.

Published in Prayer Guides
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