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Displaying items by tag: orphaned children

Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:20

A call to churches to help orphans

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and World Without Orphans (WWO) are calling on churches to help in a crisis. The ‘Lancet Child and adolescent health modelling report’, by national and international government and non government organisations, estimates that over seven million children globally have lost a parent or caregiver due to Covid-19. They estimate that for every person killed by Covid, one child is orphaned or loses a caregiver. That equates to one child every six seconds facing a heightened risk of lifelong adversity unless given support in time. Rev Dr Rebecca Goropevsek said, ‘We encourage church leaders to read the report and prayerfully consider how the pandemic has affected families and children in their own context and what support they can offer. Pray for families that are safe and nurturing to adopt and foster orphans; and for communities to protect vulnerable children from adversity and violence.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 August 2021 21:10

Peru: pandemic’s secondary impact on children

On 17 August Peru’s Covid cumulative death toll rose to 197,487. Peru has the world’s highest number of Covid deaths per capita. Poverty, high levels of informal labour, and intergenerational housing have contributed to the high rate of transmission. The secondary impact of the pandemic is children losing their primary and secondary caregivers. Children orphaned by the death of one or both parents or bereft of other caregivers are often more vulnerable to poverty, abuse, institutionalisation, and harmful mental health impacts. Psychosocial support and trauma counselling is a prominent need. As children in Peru and around the world confront death in a unique way, may their perspective and grieving process be shaped by a Godly perspective and the Father’s heart.

Published in Worldwide