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Displaying items by tag: oral rehydration

Thursday, 09 February 2023 23:33

Malawi: cholera outbreak

A cholera outbreak in Malawi began in March 2022, but fatalities doubled last month: 1,093 deaths have been registered. Malawi is one of the poorest nations in the world. In impoverished communities with little access to clean water, a deadly disease like cholera spreads quickly. The high fatality rate could be due to long distances between health facilities and affected communities, resulting in delayed access to rehydration treatment. Currently there are 600 new cases per day. Malawi usually counts a few hundred cholera patients per year. Pray for the Malawi Red Cross Society providing lifesaving treatment at the community level with oral rehydration therapy. Volunteers ensure that water supplies are safe and that sanitation facilities are working. They also go door-to-door, raising awareness on preventing the disease from spreading. Pray for more agencies and volunteers, to deliver all that is needed to halt the spread.

Published in Worldwide