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Displaying items by tag: offensive

Thursday, 12 December 2019 23:50

Christmas cards 'deeply offensive'

The owner of a card company has said Christmas is not just about religion after producing a range of cards which mock Christianity. One card reads, ‘Mary just needs to admit she slept with someone else’. Another one says, ‘Sorry your December birthday is overshadowed by a bloke who wore socks with sandals’. Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) said, ‘The cards are deeply offensive to many Christians and they highlight a fundamental hypocrisy, that Christianity is seen as fair game to mock, disparage and insult. As Christians we believe it is vital to exercise respect when sharing our views and listening to what others think. These cards are the opposite of respectful. Sadly, this happens every Christmas, which is such an important time in the Christian calendar. It is just another sad example of the kind of “under the radar” discrimination Christians around Europe are currently facing.’

Published in British Isles