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Displaying items by tag: navies

On 9 January, the US and UK navies intercepted 21 drones and missiles fired in the southern Red Sea by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels - their 26th attack on global maritime trade routes within the past seven weeks. The navies claim to have successfully shot down 18 drones, two anti-ship cruise missiles, and one anti-ship ballistic missile. The UN security council has voted to demand an immediate halt to the attacks, calling them a threat to regional peace and security. The resolution also called for the immediate release of the Galaxy Leader, a Japanese-operated cargo ship with ties to an Israeli company which was seized by the Houthis in November. Because of the attacks, 20% of the world's container ships are now avoiding the Red Sea and using the much longer route around the southern tip of Africa instead.There are hints that the USA and UK are considering military action against the Houthis: see

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