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Displaying items by tag: nature

Friday, 20 January 2023 05:19

Young people tackle climate change

Young people across the UK have the opportunity to win funding to help tackle climate change, as part of a ground-breaking initiative from the Woodland Trust. The youth innovation competition offers young people the chance to secure part of a £20,000 prize to support their environmental projects. The competition comes against the backdrop of an alarming Met Office announcement that 2022 was the warmest year in the UK on record, highlighting the desperate need for climate change action. Nine individuals or small groups (aged between 16-25) will win up to £5,000 project funding each, along with mentorship from leading industry experts to deliver projects which directly fight the climate crisis. The projects must fit into three categories: inspire, protect and create.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 07 May 2020 23:03

Hope for the countryside - seasons

Spring has burst forth in all of its beauty and splendour. Blossom still covers many hedges, and flowers have increased in size and structural complexity. Leaves have unfurled in their fresh, green shades as trees begin their yearly quest, hungry for the sun's rays. All this seems to be in total contrast to the lockdown restrictions that have been imposed on us all, and reflects the fact that God's Spirit is moving throughout the land equally unfettered. Give thanks that God loves to work for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. See the Lord enthroned in splendour, see Him high and lifted up, yet His touch is light and tender, His love an overflowing cup.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 07 May 2020 22:48

Hope for the countryside - farming

Coronavirus has prompted a new appreciation of food and farming, a new interest in healthier eating, local food and national food security, and a greater awareness of injustices in the food chain. Pray that all these will be sustained beyond Covid-19 and will help improve relationships between producers and consumers, strengthen rural economies and create a more just and fairer food system. As families gather for more meals at home, pray for a strengthening of family life and a renewed awareness of the Lord who 'put us in families' (Psalm 68:6). The countryside has never been more popular. People have been flocking to farmland for exercise and recreation, and to enjoy all the sights and sounds of spring. Pray for a reconnecting between town and country and for farmers to deal graciously with the increased footfall.

Published in British Isles