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Displaying items by tag: mosque

Friday, 10 March 2017 11:15

Beware the BBC

Last Sunday's Songs of Praise included worship in a mosque. Is the BBC's Muslim head of religious programming changing Christian slots? Last November, following complaints of unacceptable Muslim bias and the deliberate marginalisation of Christianity, the BBC said that it was axing both the role of head and the department of religion, bringing all religious programming and coverage under the remit of former Labour MP James Purnell, the head of radio and education. However, on 25 February it quietly announced that it had appointed another Muslim, Fatima Salaria, as the new head of religious programming - going against its previous statement. The BBC seems to be favouring Muslims, ignoring pleas of other religious groups for proportionate and fair representation. In another incident, the BBC questioned the decision by an MP to come to a parliamentary committee on Ash Wednesday with a small ash cross marked on her forehead. As Barnabas Fund put it, ‘It would be hard to imagine the BBC mocking a Muslim MP for keeping Ramadan’. See:

Published in British Isles