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Displaying items by tag: mission field

Friday, 13 May 2022 09:31

Russia’s and Ukraine’s mission fields

Christian missionaries in Russia have been referred to as ‘volunteers’ since 2016 after a law was passed that limits religious proselytising. Ukraine has become a launching pad for missionaries to Russia, where there is little or no religious freedom. A Ukrainian missionary wrote recently, ‘Our church has formed a team to help with the different aspects of receiving refugees, among other related activities. On 1 March I went to a military installation in Chișinău, where refugee Indian medical students from Odessa were sheltering. Some students were thankful to see a pastor and pray with him. They have studied medicine in Odessa for six years, and had just two months to complete graduation when the war came and they had to leave. They want the war to end soon, and they can return to Ukraine to complete their studies.’

Published in Europe
Thursday, 29 April 2021 21:17

Mission field message

An African proverb says, ‘If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito.’ Jesus said the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed; a very small seed produces a large plant. Most major movements and spiritual awakenings started with one person or a small group. A mission worker who had the opportunity of introducing people to Jesus, then discovered the impact they had on others when he reconnected with a man he led to Christ years ago. The man described family members and co-workers that he had shared the Gospel with who had come to the Lord; his brother had become a Middle East pastor. When we sow the seed of God’s Word it does not return void. If we sow abundantly, we reap abundantly. God is faithful and will honor the little things we say and do in His name.

Published in Praise Reports