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Displaying items by tag: miraculous healing

Thursday, 26 September 2024 20:35

Street preacher shot in the head, not expected to live

Hans Schmidt, a street preacher and military veteran, was shot in the head while sharing the Gospel in Arizona. Unaware of the gunshot, he drove to his church, Victory Chapel, with blood streaming down his face. On the way to the hospital, he suffered a seizure and became unconscious. Doctors gave little hope, telling his wife Zulya that the outcome looked grim. They expected death, and detectives even spoke of an autopsy. However, prayer warriors across the nation began interceding for him. Hans was placed in a medically-induced coma and remained unresponsive for a month. Then, miraculously, he woke up and spoke. His wife was astonished and overjoyed. Against all odds, he fully recovered, returned to his family, and resumed playing the drums at church. He has also forgiven his assailant, who was never found. Now, he continues preaching the message of God’s love, focusing on the importance of forgiveness.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 26 September 2024 20:32

Boy's life support switched off, but now 'thriving'

A four-year-old boy, whose life support was withdrawn after doctors at King’s College Hospital in London declared he was certain to die, has miraculously improved. Despite his Christian parents’ pleas to continue treatment or transfer him to a Vatican-backed hospital in Italy, the High Court ruled in favour of ending life support. However, contrary to medical predictions, the boy has returned home, breathing on his own, no longer reliant on life-sustaining machines. He is 'thriving’, smiling, and enjoying life with his family. The judge who had initially authorised the withdrawal of life support reversed his decision after visiting the boy and reviewing his remarkable recovery. The case has raised complex ethical and legal questions, with doctors and the court acknowledging that medical science does not fully understand every case. The boy, who was born deaf and blind, survived despite two heart attacks caused by a brain infection. His story highlights the unpredictable nature of medicine and the resilience of the human will to live.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 May 2023 22:29

Miraculously healed on live Zoom call

When a woman’s horse fell on her, the entire right side of her body couldn’t move. That night she felt a conviction to turn on Apostle Kathryn Krick’s live Zoom call. During the zoom ministry meeting she was calling on the name of Jesus and thought she had died and gone to heaven. ‘I could not move, I was paralysed, I couldn’t even move my arm. I was completely still and something was going on in my body. It was excruciating pain. And then God just healed my body.’ She was healed from her terrible injury. ‘As God took me up to the heavens, I thought I was no longer here in the earthly realm. I woke up, I could move.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 October 2021 10:28

She survived cancer and Covid at the same time

Geane Prado was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. After a bone marrow transplant and a round of chemotherapy, doctors discovered Covid-19. Her condition deteriorated; she wrote goodbye letters to her family, and fully surrendered her life to God. While intubated, she endured pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrest, renal failure, and bacterial pneumonia. Doctors said she had 48 hours to live. Her children mobilized a massive prayer chain through WhatsApp, social media and praying at the hospital door. Across Brazil people joined in intercession. God answered them. Within a short time her fever vanished and her condition improved. Doctors called it ‘a miracle’ because it had nothing to do with medicine. After forty days Geane left the hospital not only healed from Covid, but also from cancer.

Published in Praise Reports