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In May, the IPC convened an international consultation for prayer and mission leaders to focus on how we can link the two movements more closely and thereby more effectively reach the unreached peoples of our world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Mission is a supernatural business; therefore, we need supernatural equipment to do it effectively.

The early church understood this and at the clear command of Jesus, they tarried at Jerusalem in constant, united prayer (Acts 1:14). They did this not only until the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost, but all through the book of Acts and into the first centuries of the Church, so that they “turned the world upside down”.

This first tarrying experience in Jerusalem developed into a culture of prayer through which the Spirit facilitated and enabled every mission breakthrough. The glorious outpouring at Pentecost was followed rapidly by 3000 Jewish priests turning to the Lord and the Gentile mission of Peter, Paul and other apostles that took the Gospel to the limits of the then known world.

About 30 times in Acts alone, we observe breakthroughs of one kind or another happening after united prayer. The same pattern has occurred in church and mission history since then though not as often as we would have liked.

Revival and breakthroughs emerge from small groups praying and believing God together in the spirit of Matthew 18:18-20. There Jesus tells us that “whatever”, “anything” will be given when we come into agreement with Him and one another in united intercession.

The Moravians shared the same experience of the outpouring of Holy Spirit in 1727, and out of that erupted a more than 100-year prayer chain that sent out the first Protestant missionaries from their tiny village in SE Germany. Eventually they touched about 5000 locations on earth. Like the early church, they correctly perceived that mission is a supernatural endeavor and can only done effectively with dependence on God the Spirit through a culture of ongoing prayer.

Michael Lienau, an award-winning film maker was with us for the Herrnhut consultation and has now completed the superb video attached below for your use. You may play and download “The Spirit of the Moravians” from the attached link with the password ‘spirit’.

We hope you enjoy it and can share it widely with those in your prayer and/or church and mission networks so that it gets out around the world and can be used of the Lord to impact many.

Especially, we pray that the Lord will raise up churches, prayer groups and individuals who will feel called to adopt and pray for the remaining unreached peoples of our world and the fulfillment of His Great Commission among them.

Spirit of the Moravians 9-min

Spirit of the Moravians 3-min

As you see the video, please pray with us for the following:
1 That we ourselves will be instruments of mission and deliverance for one or more unreached people groups.
2 That God will use us to mobilize churches, prayer groups and individuals to adopt UPGs.
3 That all the 1347 unengaged UPGs on the current list (see
www.finishingthetask.com) will be adopted for prayer and mission efforts by 2025. Pray for adults, youth and children to hear His call and get involved in reaching a UPG.

“Ask of me and I will make the peoples your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth your possession.” (Psalm 2:8) Would you prayerfully help make sure that each of the remaining UPGs have someone- preferably a corporate body- church, prayer group or organization- that can adopt and pray for them until they are reached?

John D Robb – Chairman
IPC Connect

Click here to access the video (password 'spirit'): https://vimeo.com/244739881