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Displaying items by tag: medical research

In a significant move to enhance dementia care, thousands in the UK will participate in a trial to test blood for dementia, led by University College London and Oxford University. This five-year study aims to facilitate early access to care, support, and emerging drug treatments. About 5,000 volunteers will be involved in researching blood tests for Alzheimer's and other dementias. Currently, diagnostic methods like PET brain scans or spinal lumbar punctures, which detect brain proteins linked to Alzheimer's, are costly and underutilised. This trial explores more accessible blood tests, potentially a more economical and straightforward approach. The aim of the study (which focuses on various forms of dementia, including Alzheimer's) is to improve diagnosis rates, particularly in early stages or mild memory issues. This trial holds promise, especially with the development of new drugs like Lecanemab and Donanemab, which potentially slow the progression of the disease. Alzheimer’s Research UK has highlighted the critical need for advances in dementia diagnosis, mirroring progress in other diseases.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 26 August 2022 10:17

Monkeypox and brain stimulation research

An Oxford University team who found effective drugs to treat Covid are trialling an antiviral called Tecovirimat to aid monkeypox recovery. Over 3,000 British people have caught monkeypox in recent months, with more cases anticipated. The virus, declared a global health emergency, can take weeks before recovery, and there can be serious complications. ‘The aim is to find a treatment that helps people recover quicker and get out of quarantine'. Also scientists have discovered they can boost people's memory for at least a month by harmlessly stimulating parts of the brain with electricity. Volunteers performed better at word memorisation games, which tested their immediate ‘working’ memory and their long-term memory. Dementia is caused by a diseased brain, with dying brain cells leading to memory problems. The researchers are investigating whether the technology can be used to stimulate the surviving brain cells and help schizophrenics and obsessive-compulsive disorder patients.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 December 2021 20:37

Pandemic: Omicron reinfection

WHO chief scientist Dr Swaminathan said reinfections with the Omicron variant 90 days after the virus first strikes are three times more common. While data on the virulence and transmissibility will take time, scientists know that Omicron is a dominant strain in South Africa. They have said there was no surge of re-infection during either the Beta or Delta waves, despite laboratory studies suggesting those variants had the potential to evade some immunity. But they are now detecting a spike in re-infections and the timing suggests the Omicron variant is the driving force. Prof Juliet Pulliam, from Stellenbosch University, said, ‘These findings suggest that Omicron's selection advantage is at least partially driven by an increased ability to infect previously infected individuals.’ However, it is still only one piece of the puzzle. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 06 February 2020 22:20

China: keep praying

A baby born in Wuhan was diagnosed with coronavirus thirty hours after birth. It is unclear if the disease was transmitted in the womb or after birth. Medical experts believe the infection could have been contracted in the womb. Pray for God to place a blanket of security and peace over the families and relatives of the infected who are currently living in isolation and fear. In China alone, there are 25,000+ confirmed cases, and currently 570+ dead with both numbers rising rapidly. The World Health Organisation says that there is a ‘window of opportunity’ to stop it becoming a global pandemic crisis. Pray for God to strengthen health workers and research scientists to do all that is necessary. May poorer countries’ leaders have the wisdom and funding to halt coronavirus spreading. May the love of Jesus spread more quickly and further than the virus, through active churches reaching every corner with His eternal hope. See

Published in Worldwide