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Displaying items by tag: mass baptisms

Thursday, 27 June 2024 23:45

Papua New Guinea: over 300,000 baptised!

CBN News has reported that over 300,000 people have reportedly been baptised in Papua New Guinea, marking a significant spiritual event. The mass baptisms occurred during the PNG for Christ campaign, a collaborative effort by several organisations. Pastor Ted Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist world church, and his wife, Nancy, led daily events during the two-week campaign. He has recently confirmed that the number of baptisms has surpassed 300,000. Wilson attributed this to the 'Holy Spirit power being poured out on Papua New Guinea’. The campaign saw dramatic changes, including drug lords destroying their marijuana crops and being baptised, prisoners converting, entire villages embracing Adventism, and miraculous healings. Pastor Miller Kuso, PNG United Mission’s personal ministry director, coordinated the events, visiting numerous sites across the country. Prayers are requested for the newly baptised individuals and the leaders who are guiding them in their new faith.

Published in Praise Reports