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Displaying items by tag: lunchtime church service

Friday, 09 February 2018 10:05

The God of incomparable power in Westminster

Every Tuesday lunchtime, a service in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft in Westminster gives people an opportunity for reflection in the midst of a busy and demanding parliamentary life. On 6 March the theme will be ‘The God of incomparable power - Isaiah 40:12-26’. We can pray for the Lord Jesus to pour out a fresh move of his Spirit across Parliament at this time. Pray also for our leaders and all who work in Westminster to recognise how powerful our God is and the vastness of His ability to change situations, turn circumstances around and give those who know Him the ability to hear His voice of wisdom in all decision making. Pray for the power of God to rest on our appointed politicians and bring about His Kingdom purpose for our nation.

Published in British Isles