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Displaying items by tag: looting

Violence erupted in PNG's capital, Port Moresby, on 10 January, after police went on strike due to pay issues. The governor, as looting and fires engulfed the city, called the situation unprecedented in the country's history. The police commissioner mentioned plans to deploy additional officers from regional areas and relocate defence forces to support the city’s overwhelmed police presence. Firefighters faced threats while trying to control the blazes, and the parliament's guard house was reportedly set on fire by protesters. The police strike began when officers discovered reductions in their pay. The government has promised to rectify any administrative errors causing these pay discrepancies. PNG has been grappling with rising violent crime rates in recent years. The prime minister has said that increasing security would help to attract foreign investment in PNG’s growing gold and copper resources sector.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 17 August 2023 20:52

USA: aftermath of wildfires

Wildfires have devastated communities on Maui and Hawaii. The historic town of Lahaina has burned to the ground. Pastor Milhoan from South Maui said, ‘I’ve been deployed to Iraq twice. Maui looks like a war zone, a smouldering mess.’ Over 110 Maui residents are dead. Only 25% of the fire zone has been searched; ruins are marked with an orange X after initial searches and HR if human remains were found. People with missing relatives give DNA samples to help identify victims. Red Cross, churches, mission agencies, hotels and holiday lets are housing residents and distributing food, clothing medicine, etc. But a different horror is emerging - looting vacant homes and bodies of the dead. Enomoto had to use violence to stop someone he found looting the charred body of an elderly woman. There was gold and jewellery everywhere. Pray for the looting to stop as fire zones are searched.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 15 July 2021 23:19

South Africa: looting and civil unrest

The following is from a report made with the help of seven pastors and a bishop in South Africa: ‘Please pray against a spirit of violence and disruption threatening the country’s peace and stability following the jailing of former president Jacob Zuma last week. The root of the ongoing situation is criminal rather than political. KwaZulu Natal and Gauteng provinces are hotspots of riots and looting sprees, and it may spread to other regions. 45 people have died and 757+ arrested in 5 days. Forces fire rubber bullets and live ammunition to deter Johannesburg looters, Durban has unrest and shootings. Shops, businesses, schools and farms are looted and destroyed. Road traffic is attacked and they are on the crest of a third Covid wave. It is believed that this is a backlash to a lot of evil and corruption being exposed over the past year as well as Kingdom breakthroughs. Pray for South Africa to step into her prophetic destiny, with peace on every street.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 29 October 2020 21:34

Nigeria: police chief vows to take back streets

Protests against police brutality subsided after a violent crackdown: see Now the police chief has ordered more police resources after the curfew gave way to widespread vandalism and looting, including government food warehouses stripped bare. Shopping malls, TV stations, and banks were targeted, and also retail stores in popular Lagos shopping districts. Violence and looting have been reported in most states. Amnesty International said, ‘The turmoil has seen the worst street violence since Nigeria’s return to civilian rule in 1999. Wealthy politicians and individuals have been looted, emboldening hoodlums that crimes of this magnitude are achievable. In an effort to quell unrest, the government announced that the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) would be disbanded, and promised a host of reforms. But demonstrators are sceptical of government promises without clearly-specified timeframes. Pray for the police to successfully and peacefully prevent further hooliganism. See also

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