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Displaying items by tag: lecturer fired

Thursday, 30 March 2023 23:21

Bible college sacks lecturer over a tweet

A Bible college hit the headlines this week for sacking a Christian lecturer over tweets defending a Christian view of sexuality. Dr Aaron Edwards, a father of five, was even threatened with a counter-terrorism referral for writing the tweet that went viral. Aaron was told that ‘sharing a Christian understanding of sexuality’ had brought the Methodist college into disrepute. The tweet sought to bring clarity to the same-sex 'marriage' debate; he argued that ‘if sin is no longer sin, we no longer need a Saviour.’ Aaron said, ‘The reaction to my tweet and unjust treatment by Cliff College and the British Methodist Church completely illustrates the problem my tweet addressed.’ In a wide-ranging interview with CBN, the father of five defended his tweet and said the Biblical views on sexuality were being ‘silenced and stamped out’ by the Methodist Church.

Published in British Isles