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Displaying items by tag: lead theft

Friday, 21 June 2019 11:35

Churches’ lead stolen

St Mary's church, Pelham, Hertfordshire had most of the lead stolen from its roof on 15/16 June. The church dates back to the 1100s, and the stolen lead is valued at £220,000. Police have issued a warning to other churches in the area. Last month a church in Lincolnshire had twelve tons of lead roof sheets stolen. It was rolled up and thrown onto the grass below. The criminals were disturbed at about 3am and fled in two vehicles. The lead was marked with microdot markers that survive extreme heat, cannot be destroyed, and are easily detected with a UV torch. Metal crime incidents for the year ending March 2018 increased by 25%, and more metal thefts are reported every day. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:35

Churches’ lead stolen

St Mary's church, Pelham, Hertfordshire had most of the lead stolen from its roof on 15/16 June. The church dates back to the 1100s, and the stolen lead is valued at £220,000. Police have issued a warning to other churches in the area. Last month a church in Lincolnshire had twelve tons of lead roof sheets stolen. It was rolled up and thrown onto the grass below. The criminals were disturbed at about 3am and fled in two vehicles. The lead was marked with microdot markers that survive extreme heat, cannot be destroyed, and are easily detected with a UV torch. Metal crime incidents for the year ending March 2018 increased by 25%, and more metal thefts are reported every day. See

Published in British Isles