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Displaying items by tag: investigations

Thursday, 23 February 2023 21:38

Turkey: third earthquake buries more people

Rescuers once again searched for people under rubble after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and 5.8 aftershock struck near Antakya, where massive quakes had devastated communities two weeks earlier. Buildings weakened by previous tremors collapsed this time. The death toll is relatively low because the area was almost empty after being hit by previous quakes. 294 people were injured - 18 of them seriously. Pray for God to comfort survivors like Ali who was looking for the bodies of his family after the previous earthquakes when the latest tremors hit. He said, ‘We grabbed each other and right in front of us, the walls started to fall’. Pray for the 865,000 people living in tents, 23,500 in container homes, and the 376,000 in public guest houses and student dormitories. Meanwhile Turkey is widening investigations into building servicers violating safety standards. By 23 February 564 suspects were identified, 160 arrested, and many more were under investigation.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 27 January 2022 20:32

Downing Street: erosion of standards

The Metropolitan Police is investigating a number of events at Downing Street and Whitehall for potential breaches of Covid restrictions after receiving information from the Cabinet Office inquiry team and Commissioner Cressida Dick. Boris Johnson says he welcomes this investigation, saying it will bring clarity on the issue. A No 10 spokesman says the PM does not believe he has broken any laws. The Met will also investigate alleged threats that would ‘seem to constitute blackmail’. MP Christian Wakeford said ministers had previously threatened to withdraw funding for a new secondary school in his constituency if he voted against the Government. Twelve Tory MPs have similar allegations of whips threatening to withdraw funding for infrastructure or schools. This has happened much more over the past ten years, and it was suggested there had been ‘a steady erosion of standards in the way funding is allocated’. See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 18 November 2021 21:10

Alarm over thousands of extra non-Covid deaths

Nearly 10,000 more people than usual have died in the past four months from non-Covid reasons. Fears are growing that NHS delays at the height of the pandemic left large numbers of people with previously treatable conditions suffering illnesses that have now become fatal. England and Wales registered 20,823 more deaths than the five-year average in the past 18 weeks. The director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine is calling for an urgent investigation. The excess deaths are happening in conditions like ischemic heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver and diabetes, all potentially reversible. There’s a need to find out if these deaths were fallout from the lack of preventable care during the pandemic, and what happens downstream of that.

Published in British Isles