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Displaying items by tag: injuries

Twenty passengers, including six Britons, remain in intensive care after a Singapore Airlines flight from Heathrow encountered severe turbulence. Singapore's prime minister has promised a thorough investigation following the death of 73-year-old Geoffrey Kitchen, who suffered a suspected heart attack. A total of 79 passengers and six crew members were injured. The turbulence occurred over Myanmar's Irrawaddy Basin, causing the plane to drop 6,000 feet. The airline’s CEO apologised for the traumatic experience.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 05 April 2024 09:51

Taiwan: aftermath of major earthquake

Taiwan is grappling with the aftermath of its strongest earthquake in 25 years, leaving over 35 people missing and more than 660 trapped. The quake, measuring at least 7.2, struck near Hualien on 3 April, causing buildings to teeter and collapse. Rescuers have evacuated 77 people from tunnels, and the search for the missing continues. Many are seeking shelter in tents because of the ‘terrifying’ aftershocks. At least ten people have died, and over a thousand injuries have been reported. After some factory evacuations by major chipmaker TSMC, there have been fears of disruptions to the supply chain, but work is expected to resume after inspections have taken place. The earthquake's impact underscores Taiwan's vulnerability to natural disasters and the resilience of its people in the face of adversity.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 June 2020 22:26

Brixton - 22 police injured overnight

On the night of 24 June, police officers were summoned to Brixton, following residents’ complaints about noise and violence at an illegal street party. A dispersal order had been put in place that day, so the police tried to encourage the crowd to leave. The event continued, more officers arrived, and the group became hostile. Social media showed officers being chased and assaulted by an angry crowd During the clashes, 22 officers were injured, two hospitalised, police vehicles damaged, and four people were arrested. The London mayor said, ‘Large gatherings during Covid-19 are deeply irresponsible and risk others' lives.’ A vast number of residents not taking part in the disorder were disturbed all night by the noise. We can pray that the police are able to identify and arrest all who caused the chaos.

Published in British Isles