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Displaying items by tag: inhumane treatment

Thursday, 20 July 2023 18:06

USA: cruel migrant treatment by troopers

Concerns about the inhumane treatment of migrants along the border with Mexico were made in an email from an unnamed Texas trooper to the state department of public safety. In the email the trooper said they were given orders by Border Security agents to push the Mexicans back into the Rio Grande River and ordered not to give them water despite the extreme heat. Officials in the Lone Star State have been criticised for deploying barrels wrapped in razor wire on the river, which the trooper described as traps, because the wire has increased the risk of drowning by forcing migrants into deeper parts of the river. The email detailed several incidents on the border in Eagle Pass last month, including a pregnant woman being trapped in wire and having a miscarriage and a four-year-old girl fainting from heat exhaustion after soldiers pushed the group she was in back towards Mexico.

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