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Displaying items by tag: hungry children

Thursday, 30 August 2018 22:55

Wales: children ‘walk the streets hungry'

The Church of Wales said that during the summer holidays youngsters ‘walk the streets hungry’, and a new approach to help is needed. Child poverty was described as the most serious issue facing the Welsh government. Although the church provides food packages, it is concerned that many children are still missing out. The Trussell Trust distributed 5,382 emergency packages last year, and expects the total to be higher this year. 2,500 children have had meals at 56 schools in 16 areas through a government scheme this summer, and Flintshire council has called for others to follow its lead in giving holiday lunches. The church has called for the £1m spent on this scheme to be used to safeguard community-based activity schemes. Many activity schemes are disappearing because of local authority budget cuts. They propose that the food element could be provided by charities.

Published in British Isles