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Displaying items by tag: hottest September

Friday, 06 October 2023 11:17

Hottest September on record

The UK has experienced its joint-warmest September since record-keeping began nearly 150 years ago. The record-breaking month was characterised by an exceptionally warm first half, featuring the year's hottest day and seven consecutive days with temperatures above 30°C in parts of the UK, an unprecedented occurrence for September. Scientists attribute this heatwave primarily to climate change, though natural factors like El Niño and ocean circulation changes have also played a role. The rise in greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from burning fossil fuels, is a major contributor to this record-breaking heat. As we confront these alarming climate trends, the need for urgent ambitious climate action becomes even more critical. With global climate talks (COP28) scheduled for December, the necessity of addressing climate change's devastating effects is paramount. This record-breaking heat serves as a stark reminder that climate change is a global crisis that demands immediate attention and action.

Published in British Isles