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Displaying items by tag: helping vulnerable

Thursday, 01 October 2020 21:19

Government deal with faith communities recommended

A document entitled Levelling Up Our Communities, written by Christian MP Danny Kruger at the request of Boris Johnson, outlines how the UK can build on the goodwill and togetherness established as a result of the pandemic, with thousands of people volunteering to help those in isolation. Among his recommendations are a bank holiday called Neighbour Day and a national database of volunteers for use in future emergencies. He also writes, ‘The Government should invite the country's faith leaders to make an offer of help in exchange for a reciprocal commitment from the state.‘ Faith communities will mobilise their congregations and commit their resources to tackling social problems of debt, children in care, prisoner rehabilitation, rough sleeping, or something else. Boris Johnson said the document was ‘comprehensive and highly ambitious, containing many exciting ideas’. The department for culture and sport would now consider the proposals.

Published in British Isles