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Displaying items by tag: healthcare workers

Friday, 03 December 2021 09:59

Homecare and social care crisis

A quiet crisis has been unfolding in the homecare sector where the system is expected to reach breaking point this winter - unless urgent action is taken. Long-standing pressures on council funding meant that homecare providers were already operating on a shoestring with a limited capacity to withstand unforeseen shocks when Covid-19 hit. They face high fuel costs and unaffordable insurance, running the risk of closing. But demand for homecare is rising, with more complex requirements due to early hospital discharges. Workers face burnout. Unless additional funding is made available, we will likely see even more care staff leave this winter, at the worst possible time. Many disabled people choose to employ their own personal assistants to help them with tasks like getting out of bed in the morning and supporting them through the day so that they can work. There are 100,0000+ vacancies in the social care sector. See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 21 January 2021 21:20

Christian healthcare workers and Covid-19

The Christian Medical Fellowship has prepared a seven-day prayer guide for Christian healthcare workers. The first three days in this resource are: 1) Pray that they step out each day in faith and not fear. Pray that they would call to mind God’s sovereignty, steadfast love, and faithfulness and keep looking to Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of their faith 2) Pray for them to be the fragrance of Christ in healthcare at this time of crisis, to shine like stars in the sky as they hold firmly to the word of life. Pray for boldness to make the most of the many opportunities to share the hope and love of Christ with patients and colleagues. 3) Pray for the joy of the Lord to be their strength, especially when surrounded by sickness, death, anxiety, pain and despair. For the full seven days of this resource, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles