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Displaying items by tag: health service

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has warned that poor maternity care in NHS hospitals could become 'normalised' without urgent action. A report based on 131 inspections between August 2022 and December 2023 found that 48% of maternity units were rated as 'requires improvement' or 'inadequate’, while only 4% were rated as 'outstanding’. The report highlights systemic issues across NHS services, echoing previous high-profile investigations, such as the Ockenden Review into over 200 baby deaths at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital. The CQC emphasised that the problems identified are widespread and not limited to a few hospitals. The lack of proper equipment, space, and safety measures raises significant concerns about the potential normalisation of serious harm in maternity care. Health secretary Wes Streeting expressed his dismay, stating that childbirth should not be an experience women fear or look back on with trauma. The report stresses the need for immediate reforms to ensure the safety and dignity of women and newborns.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 30 April 2020 21:30

Russia: Putin accused of deception

In Russia’s underfunded health system, staff who transferred to critical care duties were made to write resignation letters after refusing to work with infected patients without protection. Ambulances queue for hours to deliver patients to overloaded hospitals without oxygen, while desperately-needed ventilators are bought up by billionaires to install in their mansions. The president of a medical trade union who said ‘The government is openly lying’ was later detained by police on a trip to investigate hospital supplies. ‘Putin doesn’t care about loss of life, only loss of power’, said a human rights campaigner. St Petersburg has patients lying on mattresses in corridors. Doctors were incensed when Putin dispatched a planeload of medical supplies to New York when they were having to buy their own equipment online. Pray for Putin’s priority to be human lives, not his popularity or finance agendas.

Published in Europe