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Displaying items by tag: hackers

Thursday, 14 December 2023 21:37

USA: Chinese attempts to hack vital infrastructure

The Chinese military is increasing its capability to disrupt vital US infrastructure, such as power and water utilities, communications, and transportation systems. Hackers linked to its People's Liberation Army have infiltrated around two dozen critical entities over the past year. Targets included a Hawaiian water utility, a major West Coast port, an oil and gas pipeline, and even an attempted breach of Texas's independent power grid. While these intrusions did not impact crucial industrial control systems or cause disruptions, they indicate China's intent to complicate US military efforts in the Pacific region during a potential conflict, particularly in the context of Taiwan. This cyber campaign, known as Volt Typhoon, emerged about a year ago, highlighting the increasingly antagonistic relationship between the two countries. These actions underscore China's evolving cyber strategy from espionage to potential infrastructure disruption.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 April 2023 09:58

Hackers threaten UK infrastructure

Russia-aligned hackers are seeking to disrupt or destroy Britain's critical infrastructure, says cabinet office minister Oliver Dowden. He warned that groups have started to focus on the UK in recent months, and unveiled new measures to support businesses ‘on the front line of our cyber defences’. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) will issue an official threat alert to critical businesses. Officials are recommending that organisations, such as those behind the UK's energy and water supplies, act now to protect themselves against the emerging cyber threat. The hacking groups are often sympathetic to Russia's invasion in Ukraine and are ideologically motivated. ‘They are also less predictable because they are not subject to state control. Some want to achieve more disruptive and destructive impacts against western critical national infrastructures, including the UK’, said the NCSC. These groups will look for opportunities to create an impact, particularly if systems are poorly protected. See also the Europe article, ‘EU: growing cyber threats’.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 May 2020 22:21

Hackers target Covid-19 research labs

The National Cyber Security Centre reports that Chinese, Russians and Iranians are targeting healthcare bodies involved in coronavirus research. The first country to find a vaccine or cure will achieve diplomatic and geo-political influence. Healthcare and medical research staff were urged to improve their password security and implement two-factor authentication on accounts to reduce the possibility of threats. Matt Hancock has given the intelligence service access to the NHS IT network. Boris Johnson wisely stated, 'The race to discover the vaccine to defeat this virus is not a competition between countries but the most urgent shared endeavour of our lifetimes'. Pray for nations to share vital information and resources rather than competing with each other and potentially wasting time duplicating identical tests and research.

Published in British Isles