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Displaying items by tag: government challenges

Thursday, 02 November 2023 21:51

France: combatting the rise in anti-semitism

Prime minister Elisabeth Borne has pledged to combat rising antisemitism vigorously after anti-Jewish graffiti was discovered on buildings in various Paris neighbourhoods. She emphasised that the situation in the Middle East should not justify antisemitism and stated that her government is committed to an unrelenting battle against it. Since the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel, France has documented 857 antisemitic incidents, according to interior minister Gerald Darmanin. This figure represents as many antisemitic acts in three weeks as there have been throughout the entire year. The authorities have launched multiple investigations into the Paris graffiti, with Darmanin promising protection to Jewish communities across France. The graffiti included blue Star of David symbols on several buildings, triggering painful memories and emotional responses from residents. Carine Petit, the mayor of Paris's 14th district, pointed out that such acts of marking buildings are reminiscent of the 1930s and World War II, which resulted in the extermination of millions of Jews. See

Published in Europe
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:25

Intercessor Focus: Government challenges

The Financial times recently asked what Sajid Javid’s becoming home secretary means for Brexit. Some suggest that his appointment on Monday, Tuesday’s Lords vote preventing a ‘no deal walk away’, and Wednesday’s customs union defeat (see next article) create additional challenges for our Prime Minister and her government at this strategic time. Pray for God to strengthen, clarify and bless every communication, written and spoken, between London, Ireland and Europe. May confusion in departments be replaced with precise fact finding, mistrust replaced with confident expectations, turmoil replaced with peace, and God to strengthen all who are weary from heavy workloads. Ask God to exchange blame strategies for honest appraisal where it’s due and inaccuracies for wise revisions, and inject integrity into current circumstances.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 June 2017 11:21

Afghanistan: prayer requests

A missionary reports that the Afghan government is demanding that NGOs write more and more reports. For Bible translators, this means more bureaucracy and finding new ways through changes and confusion. They ask us to pray for wisdom for them as they deal with this situation that could drastically affect their ministry. Also, a project for school-children in a major area is undergoing massive changes. Pray for the right strategy and plans for the coming year and for new donors for all their projects, especially in the west of the country. Please pray for a Finnish lady, who is being held captive, to be released unharmed soon. It seems the country is being torn from all sides, and there are increasingly more incidents where the government’s fragile unity is showing cracks. For the recent PA article about a warlord joining the government, see

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