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Wednesday, 17 May 2017 15:52

UK General Election 2017

Every election is important and we believe that this next government will be strategic in this season when we are praying and working towards a time of harvest. Across the United Kingdom we are seeing significant numbers of people coming to Christ, a growing unity between churches and organisations and people of other faiths are having visions of Jesus. But we live in nations where there is growing uncertainty, with significant rises in mental health issues, homelessness, addiction, poverty and broken families.

Every election is contested spiritually and this is no exception, Satan will be resolute in resisting God’s sovereign purpose. It is time to pray that our extraordinary, merciful Father will touch our nations. Paul reminds us that it is God’s plan to have the right people in authority to enable people to be saved (1Timothy 2:1-4).

• Let’s seek the Lord and His word afresh, asking the Holy Spirit to replace fear with His peace. Let us come and worship, lifting up the name of Jesus and humbly ask for His mercy and blessing on the election debate, coverage and our personal voting decision.
• Let’s ask for His wisdom to engage with the issues He places on our hearts, let’s expect Him to lead and guide us.

MAY 25: PROTECTION - Over the whole General Election campaign and from terrorist and cyber -attacks; Wisdom for police and security forces.

MAY 26: PRAYER – For many Christians to respond to the invitation to pray during Thy Kingdom to Come.

MAY 27: PURPOSES OF GOD – So that the Government of His choice is elected to allow the Kingdom of God to advance.

MAY 28: MEDIA – Insight for all working in the media to expose false news and manipulation.

MAY 29: CAMPAIGN – For the debate and discussion to give a clear focus on what is on God’s heart locally and nationally.

MAY 30: LEADERS OF THE POLITICAL PARTIES – For discernment in campaigning; for Theresa May in her leadership between parliaments.

MAY 31: UNITY OF PURPOSE – Even when we disagree on policies in families, churches, communities and between the UK nations.

JUNE 1: RELEASE OF YOUNG PEOPLE - To engage in the debate and to realise their vote counts.

JUNE 2: PROTECTION – For all involved in election campaigning, Lord have mercy on our UK nations.
JUNE 3: LOCAL AND NATIONAL ELECTION MEETINGS – For clarity to come out of any confusion and for truth to be heard.

JUNE 4: COME HOLY SPIRIT – Blow through Your church, blow through our nations – may Jesus be revealed.

JUNE 5: GUIDE AND GUARD - the steps to ‘Brexit’; bring healing and reconciliation across our nations and across Europe.

JUNE 6: CANDIDATES – For the MP’s elected whom God has chosen, equipped and anointed.

JUNE 7: DISCERNMENT- In voting for just and righteous parliament in Westminster.

JUNE 8: YOUR KINGDOM COME - In and through this General Election.

JUNE 9: WISDOM - As a new government is put in place.

JUNE 10: PEACE - On our streets, across all UK nations.

JUNE 11: BLESS EVERY CHURCH - May the love of Jesus be seen and heard today.

JUNE 12: HOLY SPIRIT COME - Awaken our land, may we see Your glory flow from here to the nations.



engaGE17 – CARE website and prayer points - engage17.org.uk
What kind of society? Evangelical Alliance – election.eauk.org
Christians in Politics – christiansinpolitics.org.uk

 Download a PDF of this guide



We declare in the season ahead a legacy of Godly government will be re- established in our Nation.

According to Your word in Psalm 145:4” One generation shall declare Your works to another”, we decree and declare a fresh awareness to Your young people of the Godly heritage within our political system, of the Biblical foundations under it and of the principles released through it.

We decree and declare young people in our Nation, towns, churches and families will have an understanding of the times and seasons, and of the power of choice. We speak maturity to them in their political awareness, engagement and voting.

In the Name of Jesus, we declare an increased rising up of those who will pioneer and stand for Godly principles and for the good of the people, and we speak favour and divine revelatory wisdom to those already positioned.

N B Find out the candidates for the coming election within your own constituency, pray for a clarity of their values and purpose to emerge, and that the person God has called for this Parliamentary term to become clear..

Source: Passion for the Nation

Published in WPC News