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Displaying items by tag: freezing weather

An operation is under way to evacuate livestock trapped for days on an island in the River Danube. Last week up to 200 cattle, calves and horses were stranded on Krcedin island, northwest of the capital Belgrade, after water levels swelled, blocking their passage back to shore. Rescuers are now under pressure to save the rest as freezing temperatures and fears of starvation set in. Unseasonably mild weather in the Balkan region in late 2023 led to melting snow that caused water levels to rise sharply. But this week, the balmy weather gave way to snow and freezing temperatures, raising fears for the animals' survival. Evacuation efforts began on 9 January, when some sixty animals were saved. An environmental group said that the cattle were exhausted; some had lost as much as 50 kg of their weight. There would be extra difficulties in rescuing dozens of wild horses, which are not used to human contact except for people bringing them food. Speed has now become of utmost importance, because of the freezing conditions and increasing hunger.

Published in Europe