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Displaying items by tag: free from addiction

Thursday, 17 February 2022 22:04

Former drug dealers on God’s transforming power

Two former drug addicts, delivered from their former vices, are now helping others find freedom. Rich Wal said, ‘For the longest time, I was in this never-ending cycle of drug addiction and alcoholism. I just couldn't step out of it. I was living a life of complete and total failure and desperation. It was so, so, so, bad; to the point where you overdose multiple times and you are literally welcoming death.’ Rich and his wife Shay now run Peer Solutions, a behavioural health facility in West Virginia, and minister to over one million followers on Facebook. By the time she was 25 years old, Shay had survived numerous overdoses and multiple suicide attempts. In 2015, after she was arrested on nine drug charges, she turned to God for help. To read their encouraging story, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports