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Displaying items by tag: food poverty

Thursday, 25 April 2019 23:04

Children’s food insecurity

4.1 million UK children live in poverty, but how many of these children experience food insecurity? How does it affect their lives and what could be done about it? The Trussell Trust gave food parcels to 500,000+ people in 2014/15 - half went to children. On 25 April 2019, at Westminster, young people joined actor Dame Emma Thompson, ambassador for the Children’s Future Food Inquiry, to launch a report calling for urgent political action on child food insecurity. The CFFI spent a year investigating this problem across the UK, and its final report compiles the experiences of hundreds of young people, academics and experts. Sharon Hodgson, its co-chairwoman, said, ‘Children are falling through the safety net. They need support from the Government in order to have access to healthy and affordable food’. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 December 2018 00:11

Foodbanks and the poor

Foodbanks expect more people than ever to need their help this Christmas. ‘Cold parcels’ are being given to people who have neither food nor the means to heat it. Many more may well be needed as the impact of Universal Credit rolls out. The charity Crisis tweeted, ‘Dealing with local authority homeless decisions, where one reason to find someone “non-priority” is the fact they have shown capacity and ability to even make the application. Frustratingly bizarre logic. “Your application would have been stronger had you been unable to make it”.’ Someone replied, ‘We see exactly the same thing with disability benefit assessments. If you turn up for assessment and/or an appeal hearing, they find you have no problems with mobility. If you don't turn up, they refuse your claim.’ Meanwhile, in one of the richest countries in the world, it is only charity that prevents some people starving.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 December 2018 00:02

Hope for the countryside

Chronic food poverty exists in Britain, even in rural communities, exacerbated by higher food, transport, and fuel costs. Research shows that these additional costs average £3,000 per year – the ‘premium’ for living in rural areas. Pray for churches both to help and speak up for those without sufficient income to feed themselves or their families (see endhungeruk.org). Village primary schools are often at the heart of their communities, but many face closure due to falling numbers. A Church of England summit took place in November to consider how to deal with this problem, especially as it affects the CofE’s 2,000 rural schools. Pray that the solutions proposed will be effective in securing a future for village schools and in providing focuses for community life.

Published in British Isles