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Displaying items by tag: floods disaster

Thursday, 14 September 2023 21:45

Libya: at least 11,000 die after massive floods

Tens of thousands of people are dead in Libya after a storm caused two dams to burst and four bridges to collapse, releasing a tsunami of water as people slept. Much of Derna City is under water and up to 20,000 people may have died, based on the number of districts completely destroyed. About 10,000 are missing from streets swept away in the torrents. Bodies are being recovered from the sea, in the valleys, and from under buildings. Rescue teams have arrived from Egypt, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, and the UK. Pray for good communication between volunteers, all speaking different languages, and that the two rival Libyan governments will successfully coordinate relief efforts. The devastation is becoming more tragic every minute. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) does not currently work in the flooded areas, but a team of emergency medical workers has arrived in Derna, to assess needs and donate emergency medical kits and body bags to Libya’s Red Crescent. See

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