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Displaying items by tag: feeding thousands

Wednesday, 22 December 2021 21:43

Bangladesh: feeding thousands

Everyone in Pastor Martin’s community on the coast of Bangladesh is painfully aware of climate change as they suffer an increasing number of extreme storms, losing possessions and evacuating to temporary shelters. The vulnerable, the elderly and children suffer the most. People also lose their crops so they no longer have food to put on the table, but Pastor Martin is helping them take steps towards a better future. World Concern Bangladesh showed him how to prepare for disasters and lead disaster response efforts. He set up a community group to prepare for and respond to disasters. During recent floods, Pastor Martin’s community group pooled resources to deliver food and essential supplies locally and far beyond to eight local villages and 10,000 people. His church has now been renovated to be used as a shelter during cyclones and a relief hub.

Published in Praise Reports