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Displaying items by tag: faith sharing

A new survey for London City Mission (LCM) reveals that most Christians, particularly those interacting with people from similar social backgrounds, feel confident about sharing their faith. It surveyed 1,007 practising Christians who regularly attend church, read the Bible, and pray. 78% are confident in discussing their faith with non-Christians, 89% see it as important, and 76% wish to do so more frequently. Christians most commonly share their faith with friends (42%), family (42%), and colleagues (37%). However, 30% feel less comfortable discussing faith with those from different social backgrounds, and similar numbers struggle with people of different nationalities (29%) or other faiths (29%). Sharing faith with marginalised groups like the homeless or refugees is challenging for 20%. Hesitations stem from concerns about negative reactions, fear of saying the wrong thing, and respecting others' beliefs. LCM’s Efrem Buckle highlighted the 'gospel poverty' in London, urging action to bridge gaps with deprived communities. To aid this, LCM has introduced 'Everyday Evangelism', a resource hub and podcast, to encourage and guide Christians in broader evangelism.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 19 April 2018 23:03

London: The Turning update

In February we praised God for the growth of The Turning since launching in 2016. In the coming weeks the vision will be shared at various locations across London. Organisers are working with denominations and city leaders in a vision for equipping believers in London to share the Gospel and disciple those who respond over the next three years. Their first step is running envisioning events for people to hear the story of how this outpouring of God’s grace landed in Reading, and hear Pastor Jonathan Oloyede share the vision of bringing the vision to London - and what that means for London churches. The first such event will be in Tottenham on 28 April, followed by ones at City Gates Church, Ilford and New Life Christian Centre, Stonebridge Park. Various meetings will then be held across London on following days.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 April 2018 23:01

Scotland: The Turning continues

The vision for The Turning is to equip every church member to be confident in sharing their faith - to start that simple conversation that could lead to someone encountering the saving grace and love of Jesus Christ. At the February envisioning meetings in Aberdeen, Inverness, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, 320 leaders and team members heard Pastor Yinka share the vision and history of The Turning. He returned with a small team to Scotland from 17 to 19 April for a second round of meetings for leaders who learnt more about what is involved in preparing for, holding, and, very importantly, following up a Turning mission. They also discussed what should happen in the months that follow, so that they can sustain an ongoing outreach in each community.

Published in British Isles