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Displaying items by tag: faith in schools

The headteacher of Britain's 'strictest school', questioning the £150,000 legal aid received by a Muslim pupil to fight a prayer ban case, is concerned about potential further legal action. The High Court dismissed the student's claim against Michaela Community School's prayer policy, ruling it didn't infringe on her religious freedom. Katharine Birbalsingh has emphasised the school's values and highlighted parental choice in attending the school. The pupil, supported by her mother, expressed disappointment but affirmed her decision to challenge the ban. Government officials and secular campaigners welcomed the ruling, stressing the autonomy of schools in balancing diverse interests. The judgement also prompted calls for national guidance on religious practices in schools. The legal battle has taken a toll on the school, but its commitment to maintaining a stable learning environment remains steadfast.

Published in British Isles