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Displaying items by tag: extraordinary times

We said at the end of last year, 2017 would be a year of the extraordinary; Extraordinary good, extraordinary bad and extraordinary unusual at local, national and global level.

Within our own nations political unrest and division is an everyday headline. The uncertainty and challenges coming out of the Brexit vote for both the UK and Europe, together with the constant threat of terrorism on our doorstep. As we look further afield, the continuing persecution and killing of followers of Jesus in a number of countries, (90,000 in 2016); increasing hostility amongst and between nations in Asia, the Middle East and Europe; increased hostility to Israel and the Jews, millions starving whilst nations, radical ideologies and so called religions spend billions on bombs and bullets. We could go on; we are living in extraordinary times.

Extraordinary Faith

In the midst of all that the kingdom of darkness is releasing, our strong belief is that God is ruler of the nations; that He had the first word and He will have the last word. As we go through 2017 we shall celebrate events and prophetic statements that have a significant time line. We celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, 70 years since Smith Wigglesworth prophesied the coming together of Word and Spirit that would herald a great spiritual awakening in the nation, 50 years since Jean Darnall prophesied that the light of the gospel would spread from Scotland across the UK and into Europe, 50 years since the birth of the Catholic charismatic movement. Malcolm Duncan stated that he saw in 2017 across the Church, a renewed confidence in the gospel, a deeper yearning for prayer, a fresh openness to the Holy Spirit, a revived church taking the gospel to Europe.

This year we will see an increased synergy of prayer and mission, synergy being the combined power of a group when they are working together, that is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately. That synergy or unity, will release God’s commanded blessing even life for evermore - extraordinary faith in extraordinary times.

Through Extraordinary Prayer

Prayer is the lungs of the Church. Prayer attracts the presence of God. Prayer changes spiritual climates. Faith filled prayer, persistent prayer, believing prayer, warfare prayer, prayers of thanksgiving and prayers of agreement. Prayers based on the sovereignty of Jesus, the perfectness of God and the truth of His Word releases His power and nullifies the works of the kingdom of darkness. As we pray, “Thy Kingdom come,” that darkness has to shift.

In these extraordinary times our prayer, along with yours, is that God’s breath would fill our lungs as we pour out our praise, worship, thanksgiving and requests. What an extraordinary privilege.


Ian Cole

Founder of World Prayer Centre

Published in WPC News