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Displaying items by tag: erosion of freedom

Thursday, 21 March 2024 21:13

Hong Kong: new law draws widespread criticism

There has been a wave of criticism over Hong Kong's new security law, known as Article 23, unanimously passed by the pro-Beijing parliament on19 March. It allows closed-door trials, extended detention without charge, and penalties including life imprisonment. 81 lawmakers and public figures from across the world have said that it undermines due process and fair trial rights and violates Hong Kong's obligations under international human rights law. Hong Kong's chief executive has defended the law, claiming it will protect against foreign interference. However, critics see it as ‘one more step towards the system of mainland China’, and describe a ‘chilling effect’ on civil society. There are also concerns that the law could also be used to target HongKongers overseas, or their families and friends back home. The law's passage marks another blow to Hong Kong's autonomy, tightening China's grip on the city.

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