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Displaying items by tag: end of self isolating

Thursday, 24 February 2022 21:04

No need to self-isolate in England

All Covid restrictions have been removed in England. People are no longer legally required to self-isolate if they test positive for Covid - although they are still advised to do so. NHS England bosses have written to healthcare staff to say if they test positive, they should not attend work until they have had two negative lateral flow tests taken 24 hours apart, and at least five days after the positive result. Free testing will continue until 1 April - both PCR tests for people with symptoms and lateral flow tests for those without. Pray for people at risk to have quick and easy access to testing and medical help if needed after 1 April. Pray for the government to reconsider free testing for key workers, including NHS staff. The changes are part of the prime minister's Living with Covid plan, to ‘transition back to normality’. Mr Johnson wants a vaccine-led approach. 

Published in British Isles